MediaWiki API help

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | edit)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module requires write rights.
  • This module only accepts POST requests.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Krouiñ pajennoù ha kemmañ anezho.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

Title of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid.


Page ID of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with title.

Type: anterin

Section identifier. 0 for the top section, new for a new section. Often a positive integer, but can also be non-numeric.


Titl ur rannbennad nevez pa reer gant section=new.


Danvez ar bajenn.


Edit summary.

When this parameter is not provided or empty, an edit summary may be generated automatically.

When using section=new and sectiontitle is not provided, the value of this parameter is used for the section title instead, and an edit summary is generated automatically.


Cheñch an tikedennoù d'o lakaat da dalvezout evit ar stumm gwiriet.

Values (separate with | or alternative):

Merkañ ar c’hemm-mañ evel ur c’hemm dister.

Type: boolean (details)

Chom hep merkañ ar c’hemm-mañ evel ur c’hemm dister ha pa vefe gweredekaet an dibab implijer "Sellet ouzh ar c'hemmoù degaset ganin
evel kemmoù dister dre ziouer"

Type: boolean (details)

Merkañ ar c'hemm-mañ evel ur c'hemm robot.

Type: boolean (details)

ID of the base revision, used to detect edit conflicts. May be obtained through action=query&prop=revisions. Self-conflicts cause the edit to fail unless basetimestamp is set.

Type: anterin

Timestamp of the base revision, used to detect edit conflicts. May be obtained through action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=timestamp. Self-conflicts are ignored.

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

Timestamp when the editing process began, used to detect edit conflicts. An appropriate value may be obtained using curtimestamp when beginning the edit process (e.g. when loading the page content to edit).

Type: timestamp (allowed formats)

Override any errors about the page having been deleted in the meantime.

Type: boolean (details)

Arabat kemmañ ar bajenn ma'z eus anezhi c'hoazh.

Type: boolean (details)

Krouiñ ur fazi ma n'eus ket eus ur bajenn.

Type: boolean (details)

Ouzhpennañ ar bajenn da roll evezhiañ an evezhier.

Type: boolean (details)

Remove the page from the current user's watchlist.

Type: boolean (details)

Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences (ignored for bot users) or do not change watch.

One of the following values: nochange, preferences, unwatch, watch
Dre ziouer : preferences

Watchlist expiry timestamp. Omit this parameter entirely to leave the current expiry unchanged.

Seurt : aet d'e dermen (munudoù)

The MD5 hash of the text parameter, or the prependtext and appendtext parameters concatenated. If set, the edit won't be done unless the hash is correct.


Ouzhpennañ an destenn-mañ e penn-kentañ ar bajenn pe rannbennad. Frikañ a ra text.


Add this text to the end of the page or section. Overrides text.

Use section=new to append a new section, rather than this parameter.


Undo this revision. Overrides text, prependtext and appendtext.

Type: anterin
Ne c'hall ket an talvoud bezañ dindan 0.

Undo all revisions from undo to this one. If not set, just undo one revision.

Type: anterin
Ne c'hall ket an talvoud bezañ dindan 0.

Diskoulmañ an adkasoù ent emgefre

Type: boolean (details)

Content serialization format used for the input text.

One of the following values: application/json, application/octet-stream, application/unknown, application/x-binary, text/css, text/javascript, text/plain, text/unknown, text/x-wiki, unknown/unknown

Content model of the new content.

One of the following values: GadgetDefinition, JsonSchema, MassMessageListContent, Scribunto, SecurePoll, css, javascript, json, sanitized-css, text, unknown, wikitext

A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

The token should always be sent as the last parameter, or at least after the text parameter.

Rekis eo an arventenn-mañ.

Page title. If saving the edit created a temporary account, the API may respond with an URL that the client should visit to complete logging in. If this parameter is provided, the URL will redirect to the given page, instead of the page that was edited.

Seurt : titl pajenn
Degemer a ra ar pajennoù ha n'eus ket anezho.

URL query parameters (with leading ?). If saving the edit created a temporary account, the API may respond with an URL that the client should visit to complete logging in. If this parameter is provided, the URL will redirect to a page with the given query parameters.

Default: (empty)

URL fragment (with leading #). If saving the edit created a temporary account, the API may respond with an URL that the client should visit to complete logging in. If this parameter is provided, the URL will redirect to a page with the given fragment.

Default: (empty)

Answer to the CAPTCHA


CAPTCHA ID from previous request